March news

As we flow into spring our Yoga and Qigong sessions are all go.

Our Qigong classes in Water Orton and Castle Bromwich will be looking at the Yi Jin Jing - muscle tendon changing classics. A beautiful sequence of forms to create mobilty, agility and strength. Suitable for all - these sessions can be worked from standing or from a chair.

Our Yoga classes are continuing our theme of “back to basics” looking at different hatha yoga asana (postures) and flowing towards these postures in a creative and accessible way. Sessions in Castle Bromwich, Water Orton and Shustoke.

We have a gentle Yoga class every Wednesday at High Vibe Yoga cabin near Tamworth. This is ideal for beginners and those who like to practice in a gentle way. A small intimate session.

Ayurvedic massage appointments are also available every Wednesday. Treat your Self!