February news

As we pass imbolc we see the stirings of spring start to appear around us. A slight change occurs and even though winter still has surprises for us there is the enrgy of growth and a lighter feel to our days.

Our Yoga sessions over the next few weeks will re-set with a ”back to basics” theme. Choosing asana (posture) each session and really building the foundations to explore our chosen posture, we will learn about the meaning of the asana, variations, alignment and how it might effect or direct our energy. Requests taken too!

Our Qigong sessions will be exploring some wonderful dragon forms as we move into the Chinese/Lunar new year. This year is a wood dragon year - change and growth may be ahead. Can we stay kind, compassionate and vast like the wood dragon? Let’s give it a go.

Our early bird price for the June weekend retreat is avilable through February - just a couple of spots left so don’t delay.

Ayurvedic massage treatments and 1:1 sessions are available every Wednesday daytime with me near Tamworth.